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Фото Pioneer TS-W257D4
Детали Pioneer TS-W257D4
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25 см. НЧ динамик (2х4 Ом.)

Ultimate connection flexibility.

The TS-W257D4 offers you a variety of set-up possibilities (8? or 2?), provided that there is correct power matching between the subwoofer and your amplifier.

So, whether you are building your system from an existing stereo or mono amp, or whether you want a basic set-up with expandability potential, the TS-W257D4 will cover common impedance loads.

The IMPP™ (Injection Moulded Polypropylene) cone is constructed from a composite blend of interlaced Aramid fibres, which make it extremely rigid; yet lightweight, for low distortion and powerful bass at high sound press levels.

The speaker terminals have been placed on one side of the subwoofer, rather than on both sides as with conventional subs; this gives you greater installation flexibility.

The TS-W257D4 is for enclosed use and is also available as a 25cm 2 ? dual voice coil model.

Характеристики TS-W257D4
Максимальная мощность 1.000 Вт
Номинальная мощность входного сигнала 350 Вт
Частотная характеристика 18 - 600  Гц
Чувствительность (1 В/1 м) 87 Дб
Диаметр НЧ-динамика, см 25 см
Материал, из которого изготовлен НЧ-динамик Composite IMPP™ cone using Interlaced Aramid Fibre with reinforcement arcs
Voice Coil bobbin type Phenol resin coated glass cloth bobbin
Тип магнитодержателя кольцевого типа с прямым подключением звуковой катушки к диффузору
Магнит Double-stacked
Рекомендуемый объем герметичного корпуса, л 18,4 - 35,4 litres

Автосабвуфери Pioneer TS-W257D4

арт. 2191

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